Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Mpi104-2007 Assessment#2

I have used my Three Accounts, that is my blogger, Delicious and Flickr to address the interestingness and aesthetics criteria which we have discussed in class, by showing to others what my areas of interest in my life are and to obviously do my MPI104 homework.
My area of interest, in my life at the moment are Chinese internal Martial arts and 3d animation and modeling, i also added some of my past life interest, i will go into more detail for each of my Accounts on how and what i mean by this further on.
I believe what i have added in my links, posts, blogs and photos i have uploaded, are in form and well structured to my areas of interest in life, their contents are relevant to my life and what my goals are to achieve later on which is to have a job that makes ends meet, and i see 3d animation or modeling as my future career and to master my body and the martial arts i do. oh and of course travel a lot to see my family overseas in Argentina.

For my blogger i added some post of what i enjoy doing in my spare time but most of my posts are related to my Mpi104 subject, for Delicious which i used slightly more i add websites which i found aesthetically pleasing which were NorthXEast, Merten and Empty Flower. But as you have noticed Flickr was what really got me to keep up with my areas of interest as i have found heaps of groups which are into what I'm into from 3d animation to modeling and even Tai chi! another martial art form i practice, i did this by uploading images of art i found on the internet which inspired me to do 3d art work, i find 3d art work to be amazing as you can achieve photo realism which has been an art i have followed since i was young i began by sketching to then acrylic, water and oil painting, then to digital art works :D. By uploading images that inspired me, i was able to find others who had also been inspired many years ago by the same art works. One dude was actually from Argentina where my family is from :D( It's a small world huh?), which then from there i began by joining groups and it spread from there :) .

Blogs are important in this day and age. The internet is now an important part of everyones life and a major method of communication. This is a shift from life 15 years ago. Until then, the main methods of communication were by phone and mail. This information age we are now in allows us to have so many methods of communication, sometimes we don't actually need to meet people to keep in touch. Specifically, people who spend all their time working and don't have time for socializing in person need to fulfill the need to be social. Blogging is a way they can show their identity to someone whom they have met online. Yet , as the internet is a part of everyone's life, it is necessary for everyone, to have an online identity, not just those without the time.

So basically i believe what i have blogged and uploaded and links i have posted relate to
my life therefore i have tried to address the interestingness and aesthetics criteria which relate to me.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Websites which I think have "Aesthetics"
This site pleases my Aesthetics as it has a great deal of detail and symbolic meaning to all the images used, its also easy to navigate through the website and view the web designer's portofolio. David DeVere, the web designer of this site, uses images and outlines of female bodies and mixes them with a bunch of other image designs, to symbolise the beauty of whats inside thus why the website is called "empty flower". This term does have much more deeper meaning but these are one of them. The site is also easy to navigate and find all his future projects and past projects and even personal stuff.
This website aesthetics are obvious throughout it. The structure of the site and its information, to whats its all about which is how to create a better blog. The site looks visually appealing very modern and update to date with all the net tech out there.

Aesthetics Esthetics MPI104

My Definition of the word aesthetics,

Aesthetics is the philosophy of art and the theory of beauty, it involves making something the object of artistic judgment. Which is caused by our mind and emotions judging the objects beauty. Aesthetics examines what makes something beautiful, sublime, disgusting, fun, cute, silly, entertaining, pretentious, discordant, harmonious, boring, humorous, or tragic. The way we individually judge a object to be beautiful or repulsive, is contributed by our own moral values, emotions, desires, memories etc. Plato for example felt that beautiful objects incorporated proportion, harmony, and unity among their parts. Similarly, in the "Metaphysics" Aristotle found that the universal elements of beauty were order, symmetry, and definiteness.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

MPI104 XML and RSS feeds

What is XML?
XML (EXtensible Markup Language) is a markup langauge much like HTML, it was designed to describe data. It uses a document type definition (DTD) or an XML Schema to describe the data, it was also designed to be self-descriptive. Basically XML was Designed to display data and to focus on how data looks. It was created to structure, store and to send information.
XML is important because it is a complement to HTML.

What is RSS?
Its Important because it makes it convient to keep a current update and be informed on all your blogs and websites by retrieving the lastest content from the sites you are interested in. RSS (Rich Site Summery) is a format for delivering regularyly changing web content ie news sites, blog sites and other similiar sites which allow their RSS feed to be used by whoever wants it. You basically save alot of time by not having to visit each site your a member of individually now their is a great number of sites offering RSS feeds which is also growing rapidly in numbers.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Assesment 1# blogspot

What i have done with my MPI104 accounts;

I have used my account to save all the websites i use on the net which arent much but i use them heaps to read up on my interest like Chinese Martial arts,
3D animation and modelling, ebay and my favourite webdesigner :D. What i like about Delicious is that i have found others who are interested in what iam there arent
much but hey its still pretty cool to find others who view the same websites :).
I have followed through with instructions and all 6 bookmarks have notes and
been tagged with "MPI104 2007" thats pretty much it for delicious.

Flickr Link to my Flickr
Well On my Flickr i have uploaded 20 images and some are of my latest Model done on Zbrush.
I have pretty much uploaded images on what iam interested in which is Chinese Martial arts, 3D animation and modelling, and swords etc i have not gotten any comments yet but i guess its not as interactive as is but its useful when i need to show my friends what i have found on the net. I have tagged all my photos by "MPI104_2007" and given notes to them and why i like them and whats soo interesting about them i believe my pics speak for themselves anyway.

Blogger my link to my blogger
My Blogger has been posted with about 8 blogs including this one i have commented to my friends post Ryan about his passion for the Animation "Tom and jerry" and i have posted about my lasted 3D model done on Zbrush its a Dragon with a touch of my own creativity anyway thats pretty much it blogger has been useful in that i have been able to use it as a journal but iam just now getting into and seeing why its soo useful just like the accounts are too! :D

My Dragon Model

I think this will be my most interesting post as its about my dragon that i model on the holidays, oh modelling is a 3d art which involves creating a character from low geometry to a high geometry i will post pictures to show what i mean by this anyway, the model took me one day to creat and another day to add all its detail on its face the body detail i did that on the first day which i spent basically 20 hours on! i was really into it on that day i guess anyway iam into 3d art heaps soo i also wanted to animate it and give it life but i will do that in the future and i will post on my progress on that also anyway here are my pics on the dragon which does not look exactly like a dragon but i thought i would make it a bit different and add a bit of creativity to it also which i belived the end work has made it my best model at the moment anyway i wanted to share this with my co students and teachers hope you enjoy it as much as my friends and family did :D

Finaly completed

I have completed all task for my assesment hopefully i have not left anything out ?? wellanyway just needed to post this up to make up for me few postings oh and i have almost done my animation for my animation subject i have to do a walkcycle

Wednesday, May 2, 2007


I have completed all my photos, needed to do on the last minute due to losing my usernames and passwords on the holidays!!! soo annoying luckly i was able to recover them all and shit soo yeah things are turning out well now for me except for some shit with centerlink!!
anyway iam almost over the bump

Oops lol

Found my account now lol it was El_Loco_Gato lol !! now this saves me heaps of time to do all the links agian for my assesment anyway got to remeber all my usernames there getting pretty confusing lol anyway got go laters
chau :)

Friday, April 20, 2007

Annoying things

On the Holidays Forgot my delicious username and what email i used for it!! very annoying now i have to make a new one iam using felix.csu i can always come back here now to remeber what was my username
:) anyway just wanted to share my thoughts on annoying things
Oh buses there needs to be heaps more bus times for different areas i noticed buses finishing at 8.00pm isnt enough well anyway

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Al Buraq Waits

Al Buraq Waits
Originally uploaded by felix_csu.
This was done by an Amazing artist(dont know his full name) who really created life to his Art work. Hope you enjoyed as much as i did and read the story about this art work too.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Hola me llamor Felix,
jo soy de Argentina pero vivo en Sydney, estoy in Wagga parra 3 anos y estoy muy bien a la momento.
y hablor inglés y espanol, y jo se un poco de Alemán